Heritage Venue

The team were approached by the National Trust to evaluate the existing events and wedding business at Nostell Priory in West Yorkshire. The goal was to find a way to generate substantial income from these events without disrupting the experience for day visitors.

After careful assessment, the team identified a separate space with its own entrance and parking that was not part of the regular day visitor experience. Working closely with the Trust, they agreed the interior design and created a program of works that would make the space suitable for events. Within just six months, all the necessary mobilisation works, including licensing and conservation considerations, were completed.

Once the space was ready, the team were responsible for marketing and selling the new venue. They handled all aspects of the events, from conducting viewings to executing the events themselves and ensuring seamless hospitality on the day. This successful operation continued for 17 years in collaboration with the National Trust.

Throughout the partnership, the events and wedding business generated a consistent average net income of £80,000 per annum for the National Trust.

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Historic Venue