Historic Venue

We were approached by the previous owners of Wentworth Woodhouse, a grand property in Yorkshire, to assess its potential for launching an events offer. This incredible building is said 365 rooms and a front elevation twice the width of Buckingham Palace. It is now owned by a preservation Trust, led by Dame Julie Kenny.

The first step was to determine the overall potential of the site and select a space for events that would be highly marketable without hindering future development plans for the estate. After careful consideration, our team identified the South Wing as the ideal location for events.

To provide the owners with a comprehensive understanding of the project's feasibility, the team compiled a detailed report including an analysis of building and fit-out costs, model operating contracts, a full marketplace analysis, interior designs for the events space, a comprehensive business plan, and outline marketing collateral.

The team continued to support the venture by providing assistance with operations and efficient event planning, including several large launches.

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Barn Venue


Heritage Venue